Photography 101 - The Basics

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Photography 101 - The Basics
Join Matt Duncan as he covers what you need to know if you are new to digital photography. Success with digital cameras begins with an understanding of the fundamentals. First, some universal camera operation basics and how to get started using the automatic exposure modes. Then, the importance of aspect ratio to print sizes, understanding image size in pixels, JPEG image compression qualities, print resolution, file formats, and file size. All are important factors that affect the display quality, editing possibilities, and storage aspects of the digital image. 

Seat reservations are not complete until the $99 class fee has been paid. Class fees must be paid prior to the registration deadline listed below. This fee is non-refundable unless classes are cancelled by F/32 Photo due to availability or the minimum registered applicants (3) has not been met by the registration deadline.   


Registration Deadline

Class availability will resume after the 2024 holiday season!  Thanks for your interest!

Registration Fee Payment
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    * Exp Year

Seat reservations are not complete until the $99 class fee has been paid. Class fees must be paid prior to the registration deadline listed below. This fee is non-refundable unless classes are cancelled by F/32 Photo due to availability or the minimum registered applicants (3) has not been met by the registration deadline.   


Registration Deadline

Class availability will resume after the 2024 holiday season!  Thanks for your interests!

Thank you for registering!

We have successfully received your registration and look forward to seeing you in class!  If you have any questions, please email Matt Duncan (



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